Tabs - Dynamic - with Big Icon
Dynamic Tabs with large animated icons displaying post from custom CPT.

Tabs Dynamic Justified
Dynamic Tabs that displays post from custom CPT. The first tab has customizable icon.

Tabs - Static Bottom
Static two tab module with tabs at bottom.

Tabs - Static - With Big Icons
Static tabs module with large animated icons.

Tabs Navigation Dynamic
Dynamic Tab module which displays post from custom CPT and taxonomy(Type & Group). This is a vertical tab module with font-awesome icons.

Tabs navigation image dynamic
Dynamic Tab module which displays post from custom CPT and taxonomy(Type & Group). This is a vertical tab module with featured images icons.

Tab Navigation 6 tabs
6 Static tab modules that displays content using parameters. This module is a vertical tab module with tabs on left and content on right.

Tabs with image - dynamic
Dynamic tab module that displays post from custom CPT. The highlighted tab color can be passed using the tab_color parameter. This tab uses featured images and post title as tabs.

Tabs Default
This is a static 2 tab module to display simple text. The content can be passed using the parameters along with icon and color.

Tabs Default Dynamic
Dynamic tab that displays post from CPT using taxonomy "type" & "group".The first tab icon can be replaced with any icon using the tab_icon parameter. The highlighted color can be changed using tab_color parameter.