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Manage using API

/ Tutorials & How to’s / Manage using API

What is Manage?

Well, Manage is something that manages your post data. It displays the data of a particular post in a tabular format. You can also get the filtered records with the help of form. One can save the records into the excel and download the excel file.

Below are the prerequisites:

  1. Latest WordPress
  2. Plugin - Awesome Studio (requires PHP 7)
  3. Theme - Monomyth

Once your are done with all the above, edit you user account and grant yourself "Developer Access" under "Awesome UI Control"

Now that we have all the set up ready, lets build our manage screen.

Manage without a form

In the above example, we are fetching all the records from the post_type 'loans'. There is no form that further filters the query data.

The basic query that is generated here is,

The above query will give the primary_ids of the post and related customer_ids.

The result of this query is passed to the next query i.e., select_meta

select_meta basically takes the columns that is to be displayed in the table.

The manage screen:


Note, As we have set pagesize=5, that is why we can see 5 rows on each page.


Few random samples, writing a custom query for the table

Another full working demo


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