Rapid Prototyping with WordPress
When we think of WordPress, most of us think of it as just a CMS platform. I am trying to …
/ Triggers
We can use site options to generat universal fields which we are using in our website eg. Site logo, favicon
[aw2.register site_option part=start]
“title” :”Site Logo’s”,
“id” :”site-logos-settings”,
“show_names” :true,
“show_on” :{ “key”: “options-page”, “value
[aw2.set module.group_singular_label=’Category’ /]
[aw2.set module.group_plural_label=’Category’ /]
[aw2.register taxonomy slug=’gallery_category’ post_type=’as_gallery’]
“label” :”[aw2.get
Create a Global Triggers and it will create a Meta box, it takes all the parameter of CMB2, fields are
CPT is made up of 3 parts. The cpt itself, taxonomy and meta fields
Defining Post type
Here you need
And there’s one thing I keep noticing: Everyone's obsessed with growth hacks.