aw2.get is used for getting the values.
- Getting the value by setting it before
[aw2.set bg_color=”#000″ /]
[aw2.get bg_color /]
- Getting value from module.
[aw2.get module.section_title /]
- Getting value from loop.
[aw2.get item.post_title /] [aw2.get item.meta.designation /] <!--collect information from meta-->
- Get the data on single page.
[aw2.get post.post_title /] [aw2.get post.meta.organization /] <!--Retrieve data from meta-->
Other shortcodes
Conditionals (7)
Core (11)
- aw2.return
- aw2.template
- aw2.module
- aw2.raw
- aw2.get
- aw2.set_array
- aw2.set
- aw2.echo
- aw2.shortcode
- aw2.part
CRM (1)
Database (1)
Design & JavaScript (3)
- aw2.enqueue
- aw2.client
E-commerce (1)
Excelsheet (1)
- excel.write_bulk
Form Handling (3)
- aw2.sideload
- aw2.save_form
- aw2.upload
Mailing & SMS (3)
- aw2.subscribe
- aw2.sms
- aw2.wp_mail
PDF (1)
Utility (6)
- aw2.register
- aw2.register_handler
- aw2.reset_password
- aw2.login_handler
- app.restore
- app.backup
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