Testimonial - Type 1
Three column boxed testimonial module that displays testimonial text, name, image, designation, company name and link to their web pages. The background color can be customized via color parameter.
- post-type: Name of the cpt from which the post are displayed.
- count: Number of post to display
- color: Background color for the testimonials
[aw2.module slug="testimonial-type1" ] [aw2.this post-type="as_testimonial" ] [aw2.this count="-1"] [aw2.this color="#263238"] [/aw2.module]
[aw2.module slug="testimonial-type1" ] [aw2.this post-type="as_testimonial" ] [aw2.this count="-1"] [aw2.this color="#263238"] [/aw2.module]
Last updated:May 15, 2017
SKU: M140
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