Tabs - Static Bottom
Static two tab module with tabs at bottom.
- tab_title_one: First Tab title
- tab_content_one: First tab content
- tab_title_two: Second tab title
- tab_content_two: Second tab content
- tab_icon: Icon for first tab
- tab_color: Highlighted tab color
[aw2.module slug="tabs-static-bottom"] [aw2.this tab_title_one="popular"] [aw2.this tab_content_one="Creative and dedicated group of individuals who love <strong>WordPress</strong> almost as much as we love our customer!"] [aw2.this tab_title_two="Recent"] [aw2.this tab_content_two="Creative and dedicated group of individuals who love <strong>WordPress</strong> almost as much as we love our customer!"] [aw2.this tab_icon="fa fa-star"] [aw2.this tab_color="#ff5722"] [/aw2.module]
[aw2.module slug="tabs-static-bottom"] [aw2.this tab_title_one="popular"] [aw2.this tab_content_one="Creative and dedicated group of individuals who love <strong>WordPress</strong> almost as much as we love our customer!"] [aw2.this tab_title_two="Recent"] [aw2.this tab_content_two="Creative and dedicated group of individuals who love <strong>WordPress</strong> almost as much as we love our customer!"] [aw2.this tab_icon="fa fa-star"] [aw2.this tab_color="#ff5722"] [/aw2.module]
Last updated:April 28, 2017
SKU: M096
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