Dynamic Featured - title text with 4 content boxes inline icons and centered image
Dynamic featured product/service module to display images with features. The image is center aligned with featured text.
- post-type: Custom post type name(CPT)
- count: Number of post / features to display
- terms-type: Taxonomy type
- terms-group: Taxonomy Group
- product-title: Module title
- product-content: Description
- product_image: Main image for the module
[aw2.module slug="dynamic-featured-title-text-4-content-boxes-inline-icons-centered-image" post-type="as_productfeature" count="-1" terms-type="type1" terms-group="group1"] [aw2.this product-title="MOBILE FEATURES"] [aw2.this product-content="Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been tdustry's standard Ipsum has been tdustry's standard dummy."] [aw2.this product_image="http://alpha.getawesomestudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/shot-1.png" /] [/aw2.module]
[aw2.module slug="dynamic-featured-title-text-4-content-boxes-inline-icons-centered-image" post-type="as_productfeature" count="-1" terms-type="type1" terms-group="group1"] [aw2.this product-title="MOBILE FEATURES"] [aw2.this product-content="Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been tdustry's standard Ipsum has been tdustry's standard dummy."] [aw2.this product_image="http://alpha.getawesomestudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/shot-1.png" /] [/aw2.module]
Last updated:May 03, 2017
SKU: M105
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