CTA Style 25
CTA module with title, description, button and link. All text with button link and button text can be passed via module parameters.
- section_description: Description text
- button_link: Button link
- button_text: Text for button
- login_msg: Text that will be displayed below button
- login_link: URL for link below button
- login_text: Text that will be linked to the below link
[aw2.module slug="cta-style-25"] [aw2.this section_description] Description goes here. [/aw2.this] [aw2.this button_link="#" /] [aw2.this button_text="Button text" /] [aw2.this login_msg="Your msg here" /] [aw2.this login_link="#link"] [aw2.this login_text="Link text here" /] [/aw2.module]
[aw2.module slug="cta-style-25"] [aw2.this section_description] What are you waiting for?<br><strong>Sign up for free</strong> and become one of the millions of people around<br> the world fallen in love with Awesome Studio. [/aw2.this] [aw2.this button_link="#" /] [aw2.this button_text="Sign Up-It's Free." /] [aw2.this login_msg="Already use Awesome Studio?" /] [aw2.this login_link="#"] [aw2.this login_text="log in" /] [/aw2.module]
Last updated:April 18, 2017
SKU: M052
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