CTA Get Started
CTA module with section title & description on top followed by CTA button and footer text for the module. All parameters can be passed via module parameters.
- section_title: Section title
- section_description: Section description
- button_text: Text for button
- button_link: Link for button
- footer_text: Footer text for module
[aw2.module slug="cta-get-started"] [aw2.this section_title] Your text here [/aw2.this] [aw2.this section_description] Description here [/aw2.this] [aw2.this button_text="Button text" /] [aw2.this button_link="#link" /] [aw2.this footer_text="Footer text" /] [/aw2.module]
[aw2.module slug="cta-get-started"] [aw2.this section_title] Start using FinAPP <br>TODAY! [/aw2.this] [aw2.this section_description] Your sales team will send more emails, book more meetings and close more deals with less work. [/aw2.this] [aw2.this button_text="Get started Free" /] [aw2.this button_link="http://getawesomestudio.com" /] [aw2.this footer_text="Free for unlimited time. Works with Gmail and Outlook." /] [/aw2.module]
Last updated:April 18, 2017
SKU: M051
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