ContentBox - Clean Layout Horizontal

Clean static content box displaying icon title and description with button at bottom. Each element can be passed via module parameter.


  • grid_class: Bootstrap grid column class
  • fa_icon: Font awesome icon class
  • section_title: Module title
  • section_description: Description for the module
  • button_link: Link for button
  • button_name: Text for button
  • icon_bg_color: Icon background color
  • icon_bg_color_hover: Icon hover color
  • wrapper_bg_color: Wrapper background color


[aw2.module slug="contentbox-clean-layout-horizontal"]
[aw2.this grid_class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3" /]
[aw2.this fa_icon="fa fontawesome-icon fa-mobile circle-yes" /]
[aw2.this wrapper_bg_color="rgb(246, 246, 246)" /]
[aw2.this icon_bg_color="#708eaa" /]
[aw2.this icon_bg_color_hover="#8ac146" /]
[aw2.this section_title="Classic Icon Boxed" /]
[aw2.this section_description="Awesome Studio includes 24 pre-design content box layouts & a plethora of options that allow you to take the design so much further." /]
[aw2.this button_name="Buy Now" /]
[aw2.this button_link="#" /]




[aw2.module slug="contentbox-clean-layout-horizontal"]
[aw2.this grid_class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3" /]
[aw2.this fa_icon="fa fontawesome-icon fa-mobile circle-yes" /]
[aw2.this wrapper_bg_color="rgb(246, 246, 246)" /]
[aw2.this icon_bg_color="#708eaa" /]
[aw2.this icon_bg_color_hover="#8ac146" /]
[aw2.this section_title="Classic Icon Boxed" /]
[aw2.this section_description="Awesome Studio includes 24 pre-design content box layouts & a plethora of options that allow you to take the design so much further." /]
[aw2.this button_name="Buy Now" /]
[aw2.this button_link="#" /]


Last updated:May 04, 2017

SKU: M083


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