Contentbox - Clean-layout-horizontal Dynamic

Content box module with four column layout. This module displays icon, title, description and link for each box’s. It is a dynamic module displaying data from custom CPT.
- post-type: Custom CPT name
- taxonomy-type: taxonomy type
- terms-type: taxonomy term
- taxonomy-group: taxonomy group
- terms-group: taxonomy terms
- count: number of post to display
- icon_bg_color: background color of the icon
- icon_bg_color_hover: background color of icon on hover
- wrapper_bg_color: background color of the boxes
[aw2.module slug="contentbox-clean-layout-horizontal-dynamic" ] [aw2.this post-type="as_contentbox" ] [aw2.this taxonomy-type="contentbox_type" ] [aw2.this terms-type="category1" ] [aw2.this taxonomy-group="contentbox_group" ] [aw2.this terms-group="group1" count="4"] [aw2.this wrapper_bg_color="rgb(246, 246, 246)" /] [aw2.this icon_bg_color="#708eaa" /] [aw2.this icon_bg_color_hover="#8ac146" /] [/aw2.module]
[aw2.module slug="contentbox-clean-layout-horizontal-dynamic" ] [aw2.this post-type="as_contentbox" ] [aw2.this taxonomy-type="contentbox_type" ] [aw2.this terms-type="category1" ] [aw2.this taxonomy-group="contentbox_group" ] [aw2.this terms-group="group1" count="4"] [aw2.this wrapper_bg_color="rgb(246, 246, 246)" /] [aw2.this icon_bg_color="#708eaa" /] [aw2.this icon_bg_color_hover="#8ac146" /] [/aw2.module]
Last updated:May 04, 2017
SKU: M082
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